Nu har vi på Skånetrafiken påbörjat arbetet med att ta fram framtidens biljettautomater. Som ett led i detta arbete provar vi en ny typ av upphandling. Denna form av upphandling kallas förkommersiell upphandling och gör det möjligt för oss att bedriva ett utvecklingsarbete innan vi gör själva upphandlingen.

Vi bjuder in flera olika typer av aktörer på marknaden komma med sina idéförslag. Sedan väljer vi ut ett par av de mest intressanta och låter dem genomföra ett avlönat arbete under ett antal veckor. Därefter redovisas deras resultat och vi kan välja att använda de delar vi ser som intressanta. Den förkommersiella delen genomförs under våren 2016 och i höst planerar vi att gå vidare med upphandlingen av framtidens biljettautomater.

Så om du vet något företag som borde delta i detta arbete, tipsa gärna dem eller oss! Senast den 17:e mars behöver vi få in idéer från de företag som vill delta.

Challenge our imaginations

The user experience of todays ticket vending machines has long since been surpassed by other platforms. It is a fundamental interaction point in the overall experience for many travellers, but our machines do not offer the speed and simplicity that users expect from a digital service of today – which leads to frustration and insecurity…

Time for change

We aim to create useful, likable and available ticket vending machines that enable people of all kinds to quickly and easily purchase tickets and travel passes and to check their account balance without a feeling of stress.
Read more about the background and details of the project, criteria for participation, expected results as well as formalities regarding this ”pre-commercial procurement”

But that is not all there is to it… We imagine solutions that add some sort of extra value to the users and to the context that they are in. The next generation ticket vending machines should express something different. Could it be a beacon of light, offer free wi-fi for commuters, or print fortune messages to its users. We believe that a machine that appear as more fragile and sensitive has the potential to become more likable and less likely to be kicked at.

Join us in the creation

The expectations are high, when aiming to thoroughly improve something that has been around for so long. That is why we want to use the creativity, wisdom, experience and capabilities of the market to define the experiences of a future ticket vending machine.

Do you want to join us in the creation of the next generation of Ticket Machines? We call for ideas and innovations that challenge our imaginations of what an ideal solution ought to be. Suppliers are welcome to submit concept ideas before the 17th of March 2016. The best contributions will present their concepts to a panel (consisting of representatives from Skånetrafiken, experts and the public). at the end of April. Three suppliers will be selected to participate in the actual conceptual phase during two months with a reimbursement of 300 000 SEK each.

Nu börjar jakten på framtidens leverantör av biljettautomater


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